Marine Catch Monitoring MaFReDI
FiA publishes annual fisheries statistics, this data is collated from provincial reports that use non-standard and non-scientific approaches based on information provided by key informants. It doesn’t include sufficient species and effort detail for assessing the status and trends of marine capture fisheries for policy and planning, nor for evaluating current and future management interventions. To start developing the capacity within FiA and FiAC for collecting more detailed and reliable information and data necessary to inform fisheries management and policies, a sample-based methodology for a Fish Catch Monitoring Assessment Survey (FCMAS), was developed based on discussions between MaFReDI and FAO CAPFISH-Capture, with inputs from coastal FiAC. This follows the standard catch monitoring approach, using sampling of landings at pre-selected landing sites for catch, effort and price at first point of sale, as well as collection of cost of fishing operations. A manual was developed to describe routine monitoring of the marine fisheries in Cambodia, for 2021, which was revised during 2022 based on experiences during 2021. Data collection covers 8 landing sites in 4 coastal provinces and collects data from (at least) 224 landings every month using a recall survey. Data recording is done digitally, using tablets with forms developed using Kobo Toolbox. The methodology and approach are under constant revision, including adjustment of the estimation process, with monthly and annual reports produced and published on the FiA web-site. FiA in close collaboration with FAO CAPFISH is moving towards delegating data collection to FiAC staff based in coastal provinces, to make data collection more cost-effective and transition involvement of MaFReDI staff towards technical support. The MaFReDI available Discussions are underway within FiA to align the results from the MaFReDI sample survey with the official statistical data reported by coastal provinces and make adjustments to the methodology used by FiAC staff to obtain catch data to ensure that lessons learned during conducting the MaFReDI fisheries monitoring surveys is transferred to provincial staff. Additional data and information are required to better understand status and trends in the marine fisheries, that is important to develop policy, plan and evaluate management interventions, especially to assess the effectiveness of enforcement, conservation and protected areas, as well as gear and effort restrictions. With support from FAO CAPFISH, these are currently being considered for inclusion in the research and data collection strategy and the National Strategy for Data Collection of Fisheries and Aquaculture, of which the FCMAS is only a small part. The Fish Catch Monitoring Assessment Survey data set allows generating tables and graphs by year and month, based on the available data set, as included in the monthly and annual reports as well as time series and is updated regularly with the most recent data.