Vessel Monitoring System

The Cambodian Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) allows authorities to monitor the activities of medium- and large-scale fishing vessels equipped with VMS units. Currently, only vessels above 18 meters in length are required to have a VMS. The VMS units provide a near real-time position, on a 24/7 basis, of the fishing vessel, to the National and Provincial Fisheries authorities, from when it departs on a fish trip, while fishing and when it returns from the fishing grounds. Monitoring fishing vessels for compliance with the boundaries of protected areas, specific fishing zones and international boundaries, is an import function of FIA to ensure that the fishery operates in a legal manner and to ensure protection of critical habitats. The data collected form the fishing activities can them be used to improve the knowledge and awareness of where vessels are fishing and how the fishing effort is distributed during the seasons. The VMS implementation was started during 2022, establishing an operations center based in Preah Sihanouk at MaFReDI, with installation of 125 VMS units for selected marine vessels.